Bookmark This! A Girl & A Bald Traveller’s Compilation of The Best Exotic Travel Itineraries
"Itineraries, tough to plan, restrictive, but sometimes, you just need one."
Many people I know say they wouldn't mind experiencing an exotic destination once in their lives. But it's hard to get started they say, simply because they just don't know where to begin.
We have a pretty easy going style of travel and usually just shortlist key stuff we want to see or do while making up the rest of it as it comes. But for the most part, especially when traveling to an exotic destination for the first time, it feels nice to have a detailed plan you can fall back on.

In this post is a compilation of our "previous itinerary posts" segregated by country (many readers have feedbacked that it's hard to find old posts of ours because we don't tag keywords).
Now, you don't have to copy our itinerary wholesale, but after visiting 87 countries (as of March 2019), we know what we're talking about and every post here should serve as a decent skeleton for you to plan your trips around.
If you need bespoke trip planning services (many people do), ranging from itinerary planning to even guided tours, or maybe just advice beyond what this blog (or any blog) has to offer from a Singaporean couple who have actually been to these places, "The Girl" & I do provide such bespoke travel services at a cost so feel free to drop us an email at
If you don't, that's fine :) All the information available on this blog is free!

Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique
Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar

The Democratic Republic of Congo
Cape Verde
Swaziland, Lesotho
The Middle East

Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait, Cyprus

Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka)

India (Goa, Mumbai, Calcutta)
Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh


Ukraine (Chernobyl)
San Marino

Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
Lithuania (The Hill of Crosses)

Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, The Czech Republic, Poland
Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia

Ireland & Northern Ireland
Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg
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